We’re really proud of our staff at Territory Studio. Even if not directly involved in the awesome work we deliver to our clients, we each appreciate creativity and being creative, in whatever format.
If you’re here, you’ve probably already seen our work. Now we invite you to get to know us better. Starting with our creative teams, we’ll be asking questions and sharing not only TS project work, but personal creative projects and what really inspires us day to day.

Coming from a photography background really allows me to analyse and understand things around me. I find if I watch a new film or find a new photographer, I get really inspired to just create in general.
– Sophie Taylor
Tell us a bit about you:
I grew up in the Caribbean and moved to London just over a year ago after graduating from Winchester School of Art. I’m a photographer, designer, and 3D generalist and like to mix disciplines where possible.
Who and/or what inspires you creatively?
Generally, I’m inspired by other people and their work and seeing pieces that make me either question my own workflow or want to get a better understanding of how that piece was made.
Film and photography are other areas where I find inspiration. Coming from a photography background really allows me to analyse and understand things around me. I find if I watch a new film or find a new photographer, I get really inspired to just create in general.
I get super excited and want to be able to make something that has impacted me as other’s work have and I think that has an impact on my creativity.
I also tend to go onto Behance and just have a look at what other people are making and that usually gets the creativity going.
Photographers: Liam Wong and Masashi Wakui
Studios: Man vs Machine, Future Deluxe, ILM
Instagram: @mographmemes, @corneliusdammrich, @sava.zivkovic, @robbryamtjr, @shanedering, @_zarki_
How long have you been at Territory?
Just over a year
What’s been your favourite TS project to work on so far and why?
I have worked on quite a few projects during my time so far at Territory. However, I think my favourite project I have worked on is either Spiderman Far from Home or No Time to Die.
Working on Spiderman Far From Home was a great experience for me as I was finishing university at the time and it allowed me to push my skill set both technically and conceptually while working with an amazing team.
It was also the first film I had worked on at the time so I guess it will always be one of my favourites.
No Time to Die was also an extremely interesting project to work on. It pushed me as a designer and a creative and allowed me to understand multiple areas of production. Alongside that, working with a dedicated team over long nights and weekends on something that big truly allows you to become fully invested in the project and that was something that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Visit our Spider-Man: Far From Home project webpage
No Time To Die
We cant show you our work until the film is released. Until then, enjoy the official trailer, which features some of our screen graphics!
Why did you want to work at Territory?
The chance to grow and develop with colleagues is something that appealed to me. Having the opportunity to learn, develop and grow with insanely talented individuals and being able to add my own style and way of thinking to the mix is something that every creative desires and is what I found at Territory.