We’re really proud of our staff at Territory Studio. Even if not directly involved in the awesome work we deliver to our clients, we each appreciate our talented staff and the talent they bring to the studio.
If you’re here, you’ve probably already seen our work. Now we invite you to get to know us better.
We bring you our support team.
We’ll be asking questions and sharing, not only TS projects, but personal stories and what really inspires them day to day.
Samia Hoque – Content Coordinator

Seeing the work produced by the studio, not only in film and tv, but games, experiential, automotive, I just knew I would love and learn so much from a multidisciplinary studio.
– Samia Hoque
Tell us a bit about you and your role in Territory
Hi, I’m Samia and I first started in Territory as an intern for 6 months. I helped a lot at reception before moving into marketing where I found my niche in creative marketing. As a content coordinator, I look after the website and social media: if you see a spelling mistake online it was most likely me.
In my spare time, I paint nails, take pretty pictures and eat a lot.
How long have you been with Territory?
2 years 🙂
What’s been your favourite TS project and why?
Can I use an emoji to describe how I’m feeling about this question? If so then ?, I have too many to count.
I guess first and foremost would be Alex Rider. It was the first project I created a web page for on our website along with the showreel, and a year later it’s still one of my favourite case study and reel to date.
As a given Blade Runner is an exceptional piece of art made by the studio. Faraday Future is also another case study that I enjoyed putting together, and I can’t forget Cyber Infinity, the reel was so much fun to edit together.
Last but definitely not least is Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The motion team are so talented, it makes my job a little easier when putting together the showcase for the world to see.
There are a few more other projects, some we’re not allowed to talk about… but the list is getting too long now. Do check out the 2021 reel for Digital Product too!
What led you to want to work at TS?
I landed my job through an internship scheme. Territory were one of the supportive studios to allow young adults with not much experience to intern in their studio. I was fortunate enough to graduate from university the year prior but applying for jobs was another story. Seeing the work produced by the studio, not only in film and tv, but games, experiential, automotive, I just knew I would love and learn so much from a multidisciplinary studio.
What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?
I love getting to know the creative department, their work is so infatuating, it allows me to build on my own skills and push myself more into my niche of creative but still supporting the studio in marketing aspects. Being able to have that balance between creative and admin work makes me happy, is that weird?
What’s been the most challenging aspect of your job?
Probably my internet connection whilst working from home. And captions when posting on social media.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in the business?
Don’t be scared to approach someone you look up to for advice. If you’re passionate about something it’s definitely worth investing your time into. Being an intern for 10 months led me to understand the business as well as what parts I do enjoy. I had never thought marketing would be an option for me, but it’s led to me having my dream job at a young age. I’m more excited about the career I’ve started by keeping my options open.
Last but not least: What is your favourite item you’ve bought this year?
I have a lot of “TikTok made me buy it” moments. But probably these cool sneakers that convert to roller skates. Heelys who?
Personal creative
I have a nails Instagram, it’s my creative thing on the side.