A joint project between SYFY and Netflix, we came on-board in pre-production to help to tell this dramatic story. Set in 2093 on board a vast colonising ship, Nightflyers is a psychological thriller based on George R.R. Martin’s novella of the same name.

Working with Mike Cahill, director of the pilot episode, we created concepts and a visual language for the spacecraft. The project included a broad range of sets, including bridge, medlabs, cabins, mess hall, cargo bays and even a hydroponics lab. Working in close collaboration with each episode director, the art department and set decoration, we ensured that all graphic assets supported story, world, action and performance, tying into story beats to help explain plot points.
A fast-moving and ambitious project, we’re proud to have set the visual direction for the technology in this series, and thrilled to see so many of our renders in the VFX comps.